...Move clients to another block
You may need to launch the bot for several clients simultaneously
Moving with sending a message
This functionality is available only to those with “Mailings” (“Standart”) or “Premium” subscriptions.
To move clients to another block you need to highlight the block by clicking on it in the section “Workflow” and then click “Create a mailing” in the settings
The mailing form will open, there you need to filter clients you need to be moved
For example, you can check the blocks you need to be moved
For convenience, the block's number is shown, you can find it in the editing tab
Moving without sending a message
There are two ways this can be done:
Temporarily change the text to #{none} and change it back after the move
Create a clone of the block with all connections and with the text #{none} from which the workflow will continue with the rest of them
Last updated