Whatsapp Business API

WABA does not work with clients from the Crimea. That is, if you write a client with the Crimean phone number, the bot will not answer.

The administration of Salebot sees no reason to use WABA.

How To Buy Whatsapp Business API

You can use WABA purchased from any reseller: https://360dialog.com/

How to Connect Whatsapp Business

To connect you need to go to the section "Messengers and chats" and select Whatsapp Business API.

Then you need to enter the phone number and token that you will receive after connecting.

This is the end of the setup. You do not need to keep the phone always online, the bot will work stably and offline.

How to Install Message Templates

Inside the 24-hour window sending template messages is free!!!!

In salebot to create message templates watcap you need to go to the section "messengers and chats", "Whatsapp Business API" and select "Message templates"


The template creation page opens.


You must click the "Create Template" button

Templates are tied to blocks in the schematic.

By default, the content of the template is taken from the block, but you can specify your text and buttons.


Once created, the message is sent to moderation. Only approved templates can be used. Normally moderation takes about 8 hours. Maximum moderation time 48hours

What are the types of messages

ACCOUNT_UPDATE - UPDATE ACCOUNT (selected by default)








TICKET_UPDATE - CONTACT INFORMATION. For example: "Your application number 12345 is accepted". ALERT_UPDATE - SOMETHING URGENT/IMPORTANT

How to Transfer Variables in Templates

The variables in the templates are transmitted in the same way as in all Salebot, not by whatsapp rules. We have adapted variables to Salebot and do not understand variables in {{1}}!!!!!!!

If there is a variable in the template and it is missing in the bot, the message will not be sent!

How the buttons in the templates work

Message templates support buttons. In salebot, buttons are configured in the same way as the Facebook API. You can see it here:https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/business-management-api/message-templates#interactive-message-template-request

Buttons are specified in JSON array format

Button creation settings


Message with two buttons: [{"type":"QUICK_REPLY", "text": "Yes, convenient"}, {"type":"QUICK_REPLY", "text": "Uncomfortable"}]


What are the features of buttons in templates

There are two types of preset buttons in template messages:

Call-To-Action is a link or a phone number (next to the text of the button will be an icon link or phone tube);

Quick reply is a simple text button with a limit of 20 characters.

Quick Reply buttons in one template can be 3 pcs. Call-to-Action - 2 pcs. It is not possible to make two links or two numbers.

Buttons cannot contain variables, paragraphs, emoji or formatting characters.

When you click the Quick Reply button, the text is sent with a reply message.

You can attach a file link to the Call-to-Action button. Call-to-Action button with a call transfers to the standard menu of the phone call, from the desktop will appear a window that does not make calls in WhatsApp Web.

How to Moderate Templates

Each template after creation is sent to moderation. Usually moderation takes about 8 hours. Maximum moderation time is 48hours.

The moderation status is displayed in the list of templates.


If the template is deviated, a reason will be given.

Templates that are likely to be moderated:

Italicized text can be changed

Hello, we could not reach you. Will you be comfortable to continue your communication here?

Hello, you left a message on the site and asked to contact you.(may change)

Hello, I’m John Peters from Salebot earlier you asked for the creation of chatbot.

We are pleased to inform you that we have news for you.

Templates that will not be moderated: any advertising text

How to Check Hit a 24h Window

You can find out how many days have passed since the last replica of the client. For must use the function days_from_last_message

For example, check the 24-hour window:

days_from_last_message() == 0


How to use buttons without using templates

Buttons without templates can be of two types: inline and reply. Configured exactly the same as in other messengers.

The block can have no more than 3 reply buttons


In-line buttons can be created up to 10 pieces, and they look like this:


Buttons without templates can only have text. Links are not supported!

Works only within the 24-hour window

How to Configure Quick Responses


Quick answers are set in the Whatsapp itself. You need to go to the Settings section and then - to the "Quick Answers".


Here you specify the required quick answers and keywords

Last updated