Online service that allows you to host interactive webinars, seminars and videoconferences
Last updated
Online service that allows you to host interactive webinars, seminars and videoconferences
Last updated
First you need to get the API key. You can find it in the Profile section in your personal account on MyOwnConference
After copying the key, open Settings -> Project constants on Salebot and paste it in the variable myownconference_api_key:
Each function returns a dictionary that has a parameter status; its value can be 0 and 1.
If status=1 then the request in MyOwnConference cam through successfully and the parameter result will hold the request result, like:
{'status': '1', 'result': [{'name': 'Super web', 'alias': 'csml-sjgf-cnjp-clkw', 'start': '2022-02-12 00:00:00'}]}
or the request came through successfully, but nothing was found:
{'status': '1', 'result': []}
If status=0 then there’s a problem and the description will be held in error, like:
{"status":"0","error":"Webinar with alias "wenk-gjkc-teqp-nteh" not active"} {'status': '0', 'error': 'Missing required variables - email'}
The function myownconference_find_webinars(date, status) is used for searching webinars, where
date - the date in the - choosing webinars for a specific date status - value 1 - active or future webinars, 0 - finished
myownconference_find_webinars() - returns the array of all found webinars
The function returns a dictionary of this kind:
If successful (example):
{'status': '1', 'result': [{'name': 'Super web', 'alias': 'csml-sjgf-cnjp-clkw', 'start': '2022-02-12 00:00:00'}]}
If unsuccessful (example):
{"status":"0","error":"Format not supported or date is not valid. Params must be yyyy-mm-dd"}
The function myownconference_is_online_user(webinar_id, email), where:
webinar_id - the webinar’s id, or, in other words, the value “alias” from the request when searching the webinar email - the user’s email address, if it doesn’t get shared, then an email from the variable email is used, if there is one
The result if the function was successful:
{"status":"1","result":true} - the user is present at this moment in the webinar {"status":"1","result":false} - the user isn’t present
The result if there was an error in the request:
{"status":"0","error":"Webinar with alias "serg-dhpq-mznf-fwcb" not active"}
The function myownconference_history_user(webinar_id, email), where
webinar_id - the webinar’s id, or, in other words, the value “alias” from the request when searching the webinar email - the user’s email address, if it doesn’t get shared, then an email from the variable email is used, if there is one
The result if successful:
In the parameter result there will be an array with user data
{'status': '1', 'result': ['John Smith', '', 'ua', '12:02:45', '12:12:15', 'G', '28%']} {"status":"1","result":false} - the user wasn’t found
In case of failure:
{'status': '0', 'error': 'Missing required variables - email'} - the email wasn’t shared and wasn’t found in the email variable
An example of the request and getting the name of the user:
The function myownconference_is_our_user(email), where:
email - the user’s email address, if it doesn’t get shared, then an email from the variable email is used, if there is one
The result if successful:
{"status":"1","result":true} - the user is in your database {"status":"1","result":false} - there is no such user in your database
If unsuccessful:
{'status': '0', 'error': 'Missing required variables - email'} - the email wasn’t shared and wasn’t found in the email variable
This function adds a webinar participant to the list of all users. After the successful creation this user can be registered to a webinar (more on that below)
The function myownconference_add_user(email), where:
email - the user’s email address, if it doesn’t get shared, then an email from the variable email is used, if there is one
The result if successful:
{"status":"1","result":true} - the user was added to your list of all participants
If unsuccessful:
{'status': '0', 'error': 'Missing required variables - email'} - the email wasn’t shared and wasn’t found in the email variable.
It’s mandatory to ask the client their email for the registration to happen. Anything else is optional.
The function myownconference_add_user_to_webinar(webinar_id, email), where
webinar_id - the webinar’s id, or, in other words, the value “alias” from the request when searching the webinar email - the user’s email address, if it doesn’t get shared, then an email from the variable email is used, if there is one
The result if successful:
{"status":"1","result":true} - the user was registered to the webinar
If unsuccessful:
{"status":"0","error":"Webinar with alias "serg-dhpq-mznf-fwcb" not active"}