The editing software's API

Which requests the editing software supports and how to carry them out

The requests are carried out with the method POST on URL i.e.{api_key}/{action}

Where it’s located: api_key is the key to accessing API which is obtained in the project’s settings:

You can get the access key by using the variable #{api_key}. It holds the relevant generated key. Don’t forget to generate one before using it.

When copying the url of the query from this page a space is put in that needs to be deleted when calling

An example of copying the link the wrong way: /api/callback

The space after .pro is easy to not notice but if it’s left in place the query won’t work

When sending the request with the GET method, don’t use prohibited words. Look into the right formation of GET requests

How to get messages on Webhook URL that is specified in the project’s settings

Every incoming or outcoming message comes with the following json POST requests:

    'id': the identifier of the message in the system,
    'client': {
        'id': the identifier of the client in the system,
        'recepient': the identifier of the client in the messenger,
        'client_type': the messenger’s type,
        'name': the client’s name,
        'avatar': the client’s avatar,
        'created_at': the date when the client was created,
        'tag': the subscription key,
        'group': the bot to which the client is tied to,
    'message': the message text,
    'attachments': the array of links to files,
    'message_id': the id of the block from which the message was sent from,
    'project_id': the project’s id,
    'is_input': 1 if the message is from a client, 0 if it’s from the bot,
    'delivered': 1 if the message is sent successfully, 0 if there was an error,,
    'error_message': the message explaining the error

If the request came back with an error it won’t be resent. If the server came back with an error then the notifications will come through despite this.

How to use a universal webhook

These methods now can be launched with both the POST and the GET request.

Previously, the parameters (with which the clients’ methods were launched, i.e. client_id) were very strictly written in our methods and it would implement some restrictions when using them with the third-party services.

Now you can point out in which parameter of the request Salebot will look for the identifier of the user: for this, a parameter with the prefix value_ is used, like value_user_id and value_group_id.

Also the method for sending the callback callback can be launched by transmitting an email (client_email) and a client’s phone number (client_phone).

Methods callback and whatsapp_callback aren’t tied to the parameter’s names. You can specify which parameter will hold the client’s phone number, email and id.

It’s useful when you’re setting up the webhook’s reception through another site.

To specify which variable holds client_id you need to transfer value_client_id and mention the name of the parameter with this value in it

To specify which variable holds phone you need to transfer value_phone and mention the name of the parameter with this value in it

To specify which variable holds email you need to transfer value_email and mention the name of the parameter with this value in it

To specify which variable holds user_id you need to transfer value_user_id and mention the name of the parameter with this value in it

To specify which variable holds group_id you need to transfer value_group_id and mention the name of the parameter with this value in it


Type in the address value_client_id = my_client {"my_client":49177759, "message":"Hello world"}

The query will be the equivalent to the query below: {"client_id":49177759, "message":"Hello world"}

As you can see, the name of the parameter that holds the name is differentiated by the prefix value_

How to launch the bot

The bot’s launch


The method can be used for launching the workflow for the client or for approving the action on a third-party service. This message won’t be visible for the client. Additionally transferred parameters are saved in the variables. The method for sending the callback can now be turned on by sharing an email (client_email) or the client’s phone number (client_phone)

Path Parameters

Request Body

import requests
import json
params = {"message": "some_text", "client_id": "25554"}
token = 'b551e18c8b8e86bea6f14f38de3f5cc3c31ba1edb4d8'
url = f'{token}/callback', json=params)

Launching the bot through the number on WhatsApp


This method launches the bot in WhatsApp after the client registers through the site or after they leave a request with their phone number Additionally transferred parameters are saved to the variables

Path Parameters

Request Body

    // Response

Bot launch through Telegram id


The method can be used for launching the workflow or confirming actions on a third-party site. This message won't be visible to the client. Additionally transferred parameters are saved to the variables

Path Parameters

Request Body

    // Response

How to work with messages

Params for sending messages

attachment_type can take these values: image, video, link, file, audio When sending attachments the parameter message isn’t mandatory

buttons identifies the buttons that will be attached to the message. The buttons’ format is comparable to the button’s advanced settings. Two variants of the buttons’ transmition are possible: one with the tooltip in messengers without buttons and one without it

Here’s an example of the buttons parameter:

"buttons": {"hint": "This text will be shown in Whatsapp",
 "buttons": [
    {"type": "reply", 
     "text": "What services we can provide", 
     "line": 0, "index_in_line": 0}, 
    {"type": "reply", 
     "text": "Payment info", 
     "line": 0, 
     "index_in_line": 1}, 
    {"type": "reply", 
     "text": "Our contact info", 
     "line": 1, "index_in_line": 0}, 
    {"type": "reply", 
     "text": "Leave an application", 
     "line": 1, "index_in_line": 1}

Sending the message to the client


This method can be used for sending messages with notifications. The parameter message is mandatory if you’re not sending a file. If you are, then the text isn’t needed

Path Parameters

Request Body

import requests
import json

params = {"message": "some_text", "client_id": "25554"}
token = 'b551e18c8b8e86bea6f14f38de3f5cc3c31ba1edb4d8'
url = f'{token}/message', json=params)

Sending messages in WhatsApp


Allows sending a message from the name of the connected bot to the mentioned number whatsapp_bot_id has to be taken from the “Messengers and chats” section. Each connected WhatsApp page gets a unique identification

Path Parameters

Request Body

import requests
import json

params = {"message": "some_text", "phone": "79875146788"}
token = 'b551e18c8b8e86bea6f14f38de3f5cc3c31ba1edb4d8'
url = f'{token}/whatsapp_message', json=params)

Sending messages in bulk


The method allows message distribution. If the param clients isn’t mentioned, the broadcast will be sent out to all users. It’s necessary to either send a file or a text

Path Parameters

Request Body

{import requests
import json

params = {"message": "some_text", "clients": ["5", "58", "110"]}
token = 'b551e18c8b8e86bea6f14f38de3f5cc3c31ba1edb4d8'
url = f'{token}/broadcast', json=params)

Getting the message history


Getting the message history. You can get the client_id param HERE

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

  "status": "success",
  "result": [
      "id": 104500,
      "answered": true,
      "client_replica": false,
      "message_id": 390,
      "message_from_outside": 0,
      "created_at": 1587895014,
      "text": "CouCou",
      "attachments": {
      "delivered": true,
      "error_message": "true"

Clearing the message history


Path Parameters

Query Parameters

import requests
import json

token = 'b551e18c8b8e86bea6f14f38de3f5cc3c31ba1edb4d8'
url = f'{token}/clear_history?client_id=85856'

How to distribute the clients

Assigning a client to an employee


The method allows assigning a client to an employee. The email parameter is optional. If the email isn’t provided, it will be distributed through the system’s algorithm

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

import requests
import json

params = {"message": "some_text", "clients": ["5", "58", "110"]}
token = 'b551e18c8b8e86bea6f14f38de3f5cc3c31ba1edb4d8'
url = f'{token}/broadcast', json=params)

Loading clients into the system


The method allows loading clients into the system. When uploading WhatsApp clients you can transfer the number freely with the at the end or without it.

You can get the group id (group_id) here through /api/<api_key>/connected_channels

(if client_type=13 (telephony) then group_id=””)

You can see the type of messenger the client came from (client_type)

Ex.: [{"platform_id":"79875555555","group_id":34810,"client_type":6}]

Path Parameters

Request Body

import requests
import json

token = 'b551e18c8b8e86bea6f14f38de3f5cc3c31ba1edb4d8'
url = f'{token}/load_clients'

params = [{ "platform_id": 274827917, "group_id": 169166236, "client_type":0},
{"platform_id":"", "group_id": "1hwF7lwEjv4SKYIGFhQnBw==", "client_type": 6}], json=params)
# in case of success the function returns each element its id and addition status
# answer example
# {"status":"success","items":[{"platform_id":"","group_id":"5kqchxwyvdvFZOsp80q2qw==","client_type":6,"status":"success","id":1469409}]}

Adding clients to the list


Path Parameters

Request Body

    // Response

Removing clients from the list


Path Parameters

Request Body

    // Response

Getting the clients list


Path Parameters

Query Parameters


Getting the subscribers list in any messenger


Getting the information on the clients in the chosen messenger

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "id": 44886,
    "tag": null,
    "created_at": 1609867984,
    "name": "John Smith",
    "tg_id": "146467928",
    "group": "155824294",
    "variables": null
    "id": 44889,
    "tag": null,
    "created_at": 1609867984,
    "name": "Jane Austen",
    "tg_id": "1609867984",
    "group": "155824294",
    "variables": {
      "utm_source": "some_value"

How to work with variables

Attributing variables


Allows saving variables in the application and in the client. The request of attributing variables by default adds to transaction variables. If you need to change the variables in the profile you need to add the prefix client. Ex. for mobile:

The param clients allows attributing variables in bulk

Ex.: {"client_id":49177759, "variables": {"":"1234567890"}}

Path Parameters

Request Body

import requests
import json

params = {"client_id": "25554", "variables": {"var_name": "var_value"}}
token = 'b551e18c8b8e86bea6f14f38de3f5cc3c31ba1edb4d8'
url = f'{token}/save_variables', json=params)

Obtaining variables


Path Parameters

Query Parameters

import requests
import json

token = 'b551e18c8b8e86bea6f14f38de3f5cc3c31ba1edb4d8'
url = f'{token}/get_variables?client_id=85856'

How to get client_id

Getting client_id by the platform_id value


The method returns the client id for executing requests to the API

Example of parameters: {"platform_ids": ["571830542", "256865200"]}

Path Parameters

Request Body

"name":"Oscar Wilde",

"name":"Freddie Mercury",

How to get client id on Online chat


This method allows to integrate the site and chatbot, i.e. if a person went on the page with the special offer, you can send out instantly a message about the offer in the chat

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

{ "client_id": 36553 }

Where do you get the recipient? On the site that carries online chat “” you need to get the feature SaleBotPro.recipient_id with the help of JS.

How to get client id with the WhatsApp number


The method gives back the client id for executing requests to the API if you know the client’s phone number in WhatsApp. If there is no such client with this number, you’ll get a 404.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    // Response

Getting client id with the phone number


The method gives back the client id for executing requests to the API. The search happens through WhatsApp clients, as well as through variables.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    // Response

Getting client id through email


The method gives back the client id for executing requests to the API. The search happens through variables.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    // Response

Getting client id by the variable value


The method gives back the client id for executing requests to the API

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    // Response

What other possibilities there are

Moving the transaction into the SalebotCRM state


The transaction number can be obtained in the SalebotCRM workflow’s editing window.

Path Parameters

Request Body

    // Response

Checking if the person follows the Instagram account


Can be called with both the POST method and the GET method

Path Parameters

Request Body

"username": "beyonce",
"account_id": "1463220603",
"avatar": "",
"real_name": "Beyonce",
"is_follower": true,
"status": 200

Checking if the phone number carries WhatsApp


To use the method you HAVE to have connected WhatsApp and Salebot

Can be called with both the POST method and the GET method The phone number can be transferred in any format

Path Parameters

Request Body

    // Response

Getting the list of messengers connected to the project (including group_id)


The function returns the parameter group_id to each messenger and it is the one that needs to be transferred when loading the clients

The field status also returns for WhatsApp, and it holds a value of: NOT_STARTED = 0 STARTED = 1 ASLEEP = 2 STOPPED = 3

Path Parameters

{'project_id': 1, 
'viber': [{
        'id': 14, 
        'uri': 'salebotstage', 
        'name': 'salebotstage', 
        'enabled': true,
        'group_id': 11}], 
'facebook': [], 
'telegram': [{
        'id': 23, 
        'short_name': 'bulls_vs_bears_bot', 
        'name': 'bulls_vs_bears_bot', 
        'enabled': true,
        'group_id': 'bulls_vs_bears_bot'}], 
'whatsapp': [] 

Getting the list of blocks from the bot’s schema


Path Parameters

    // Response

If you need additional methods, please contact customer support

Last updated